Re: request as data source in transformation?

Am 12/20/2022 um 5:26 AM schrieb Sasha Firsov:
> Dear XSLT forum, this is a teaser for an architectural kind of
> discussion, not a syntax.
> Rather than reference to external documents in XPath/ #XSLT, the
> Declarative Web Application needs a concept of Request as valid data
> feed.
> The data source reference the object is a result of transformation with
> * url
> * headers
> * http method
> * custom payload
> * schema of data in response
> This data source then could be used as input parameter for following
> XSLT transformation via XPath. The data source is just a definition
> which would be resolved to live HTTP request only when it is actually
> used in transformation.
> The request would produce the Response object with access to
> * response HTTP code( 200 for normal, 4xxx, 5xxx errors, etc. )
> * http headers
> * data. The data reading would be immediate when no schema defined, or
> triggered dynamically when data access needed by
> transformation/selectors in case the schema is available.

Are you familiar with SaxonJS? It runs in the browser and it seems it
(in a different way) implements part of that with e.g.!ixsl-extension/instructions/schedule-action!api/getResource

Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2022 09:01:29 UTC