Re: Processiing arrays in XSLT 4

On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 8:38 AM Michael Kay <> wrote:

> It seems a no-brainer to provide an XSLT instruction along the lines
> <xsl:for-each-member select="array">
>   ....
> </xsl:for-each>
> to process the members of a supplied array.

Actually it is quite complicated (not a no-brainer) as there is no
definition what should be the result of evaluating this code: a sequence of
the individual results (this may lose the empty-sequence results), a
sequence of one-member arrays, each containing an individual result, or an
array with each member containing the corresponding result.

And we already have array:for-each(), which implements the last alternative.

So, why do we need at all any new xsl instruction to do this? Even now the
1108 pages (the spec) are more than overwhelming.


> The question is: within the body of this instruction, how should one refer
> to the current member of the array?
> Recall that a member of an array can be any sequence, not just a single
> item.
> Here are some ideas I have considered. I'm not 100% happy with any of
> them, and I'd be interested to know what other people think.
> With xsl:for-each-group, we bind current-group(), but we also bind the
> context-item (to the first item in the current group) and position() and
> last(). Binding the context item (as well as position and last) seems
> friendly, but the current member of an array might be an empty sequence,
> and it's not clear how to handle that.
> Following precedent suggests a current-member() function, but I'm not keen
> on adding yet more current-xyz() functions, and it's not clear how we
> provide current position.
> An alternative would be to depart from precedent and bind variables:
> <xsl:for-each-member select="array" bind-to="member" position="pos">
>    <xsl:if test="$pos ne 1">,</xsl:if>
>    <xsl:for-each select="$member">
>       ...
> That's the way I would do it if it weren't so inconsistent with the way
> other things are done. Also, many arrays in practice have members that are
> single items (or perhaps zero-or-one items), and binding "." in those cases
> seems more intuitive.
> Another possibility is to bind "." to a zero-arity function that returns
> the current member: so to access the current member you write select=".()".
> Is that just too weird, or would people get used to it? The attraction is
> that it doesn't involve inventing any new machinery - no new functions, no
> additions to the dynamic context, and position() and last() work nicely.
> Related to this is how array construction works. I'm currently proposing
> <xsl:array>
>   <xsl:for-each select="1 to 10">
>     <xsl:array-member select=". * 2"/>
>   </xsl:for-each>
> </xsl:array>
> To allow this to construct arrays whose members hold multiple items, I'm
> proposing that "under the good", xsl:array-member actually creates a
> zero-arity-function containing the value of the array member, so the
> sequence constructor contained in xsl:array actually returns a sequence of
> zero-arity functions. Using the same device for both instructions has some
> merit.
> Thoughts?
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Received on Saturday, 9 January 2021 23:50:49 UTC