Re: Processiing arrays in XSLT 4

In the provided solution, this:

     <xsl:param name="pMemberSource" as="element()"/>

needs to be:

     <xsl:param name="pMemberSource" as="element()*"/>

On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 12:46 PM Dimitre Novatchev <>

> On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 11:54 AM Michael Kay <> wrote:
>> Let's do a use case: converting
>> <hiistory>
>>       <created by="Michael Kay" on="2016-12-19"/>
>>       <modified by="Michael Kay" on="2017-08-10" change="more precise
>> result assertion"/>
>>       <modified by="Michael Kay" on="2019-12-02" change="Test wrongly
>> assumed that document order was predictable.'"/>
>> </history>
>> to JSON:
>> [
>>       { "event": "created",
>>         "by" : "Michael Kay",
>>        "on" : "2016-12-19" },
>>        {"event" : "modified:
>>         "by" : "Michael Kay",
>>         "on" : "2017-08-10",
>>         "change" : "more precise result assertion" },
>>        {"event" : "modified:
>>         "by" : "Michael Kay",
>>         "on" : "2019-12-02",
>>         "change" : "est wrongly assumed that document order was
>> predictable." }
>> ]
>> I want to do this using template rules. Something like this:
>> <xsl:output method="json"/>
>> <xsl:template match="history">
>>    <xsl:array>
>>       <xsl:apply-templates/>
>>    </xsl:array>
>> </xsl:template>
>> <xsl:template match="history/*">
>>    <xsl:array-member>
>>       <xsl:map>
>>           <xsl:map-entry key="'event'" select="local-name()"/>
>>           <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
>>       </xsl:map>
>>   </xsl:array-member>
>> </xsl:template>
>> <xsl:template match="@*">
>>    <xsl:map-entry key="local-name()" select="."/>
>> </xsl:template>
>> How would you want to write this?
> I would prefer the proposed syntax, providing a member-generator function
> as the value of the member-generator attribute:
>   <xsl:output method="json"/>
>   <xsl:template match="history">
>      <xsl:array member-source="*"  member-generator="my:mapHistory"/>
>   </xsl:template>
>   <xsl:function name="my:mapHistory" as="item()*">
>      <xsl:param name="pIndex" as="xs:integer"/>
>      <xsl:param name="pMemberSource" as="element()"/>
>      <xsl:variable name="vMember" select="$pMemberSource [$pIndex]"/>
>      <xsl:sequence select=
>       "map:merge(
>                             (map-entry('event' : $vMember/local-name(),
>                              for $mem in $vMember/@*
>                                return
>                                     map:entry($mem/local-name(),
> $mem/string())
>                             )
>                          )
>       "/>
>   </xsl:function>
> Thanks,
> Dimitre
>> Michael Kay
>> Saxonica
> --
> Cheers,
> Dimitre Novatchev
> ---------------------------------------
> Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
> ---------------------------------------
> To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk
> -------------------------------------
> Never fight an inanimate object
> -------------------------------------
> To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the
> biggest mistake of all
> ------------------------------------
> Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.
> -------------------------------------
> You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what
> you're doing is work or play
> -------------------------------------
> To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep.
> -------------------------------------
> Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
> -------------------------------------
> Typing monkeys will write all Shakespeare's works in 200yrs.Will they
> write all patents, too? :)
> -------------------------------------
> Sanity is madness put to good use.
> -------------------------------------
> I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.

Dimitre Novatchev
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk
Never fight an inanimate object
To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the
biggest mistake of all
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.
You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what
you're doing is work or play
To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Typing monkeys will write all Shakespeare's works in 200yrs.Will they write
all patents, too? :)
Sanity is madness put to good use.
I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.

Received on Saturday, 9 January 2021 20:49:03 UTC