Invariant language in collations and sorting etc in general

The question I rose today during the telcon was whether we have a notion of an invariant language. That is, a language setting, or language code that makes your stylesheet, xquery or xpath expression run invariantly and the same regardless of the host language settings.


This matters, for instance if you have a (compiled) stylesheet that you write on, say, a Dutch computer, and then running it on a server that is hosted in the US. You may know, or not know as a programmer that your processor defaults to the language of its host environment, either way, you'd like to make sure your stylesheet runs indifferent of the locale (assuming, of course, that as a programmer you do not want a specific locale).


Do we have a language code or other means for this? Something similar to xml:lang="invariant"?




Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2016 16:54:23 UTC