Editorial: xsl:message/@error-code is an AVT

The syntax notation

  terminate? = { boolean }
  error-code? = { eqname } 

is in theory sufficient to state that both attributes are AVTs. However, since we explicitly state in the prose that @terminate is an AVT, and don’t say this for @error-code, people might be misled. Unless anyone objects I’m therefore going to clarify the text just before [ERR XTMM9000] to change:

The optional error-code attribute may be used to indicate the error code associated with the message. 


The optional error-code attribute (also interpreted as an attribute value template) may be used to indicate the error code associated with the message. 

and in the next sentence to use the term “effective value” rather than “value”.

Since this is purely clarification to prevent readers being misled, I’m not proposing to raise a bug, and I don’t think it needs WG discussion unless anyone requests it.

Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 14 September 2015 08:44:22 UTC