Re: Minutes XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #672 Agenda 2018-04-24

On Tue, 2018-04-24 at 18:55 +0100, Michael Kay wrote:
> I have updated the F+O 3.1 errata as instructed. The new version is
> at
> html/xpath-functions-31-errata.html
> Liam, can you move it into its final resting place?

Yes, please you confirm where that should be. (I'm being careful to
avoid making assumptions here...)

If there are no substantive errata it's also now possible to fold them
into the published document once the WG charter expires, without going
through a full testing/CR-PR cycle.



Liam Quin, W3C,
Staff contact for Verifiable Claims WG, SVG WG, XQuery WG
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Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 22:43:09 UTC