- From: Andrew Coleman <andrew_coleman@uk.ibm.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 08:25:37 +0000
- To: public-xsl-query@w3.org
- Message-Id: <OF012294FA.393EF369-ON802580E3.002E32AB-802580E3.002E49D2@notes.na.collabserv.c>
Forwarding to public mailing list... ----- Forwarded by Andrew Coleman/UK/IBM on 14/03/2017 08:24 ----- From: Jonathan Robie <jonathan.robie@gmail.com> To: "w3c-xsl-query@w3.org" <w3c-xsl-query@w3.org> Date: 13/03/2017 20:07 Subject: Minutes: XSL WG Joint Teleconference #667 2017-03-07 % The '%' character in the first column identifies minutes taken inline. Jonathan W3C home > Mailing lists > Public > public-xsl-query@w3.org > March 2017 DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #667 Agenda 2017-03-07 This message: [ Message body ] [ Respond ] [ More options ] Related messages: From: Andrew Coleman <andrew_coleman@uk.ibm.com> Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2017 14:16:19 +0000 To: public-xsl-query@w3.org Message-Id: < OF7D6E20DC.668D8CD7-ON802580D8.004E3307-802580D8.004E6629@notes.na.collabserv.c > DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #667 Agenda 2017-03-07 Andy will chair this meeting. PLEASE SEND CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO A REVISED AGENDA CAN BE PREPARED IN A TIMELY MANNER! Changes in this agenda: This week, I'd like us to work on the following items: J4.2 (F&O) J4.6 (Test suite) J5 (Progression) Key: J = Joint Query/XSLT meeting; Q = Query-only meeting Teleconference connection details --------------------------------- (Member only) https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2015Sep/0014.html SUMMARY OF DECISIONS ==================== Note to secretary: Please insert a summary of all decisions made during this teleconference at this location in the minutes. Decisions MUST be clear as to their complete intent. The subject of the decision should *not* require dereferencing; it is most helpful if agenda numbers and bug numbers are accompanied by their titles. If a decision is recorded about the resolution of a bug, the decision must state exactly what the resolution is (e.g., "Accept the solution in comment #5", or "Replace the production for XXX with this: <new production>", or the like. It should be possible to read a decision months later and be certain what it meant and whether or not it was properly applied. NEW ACTION ITEMS ================ Note to secretary: Please insert all new action items assigned during this teleconference at this location in the minutes. Action items MUST make sense even when they are viewed standalone (that is, not read in the context of the agenda item where they were assigned). This explicitly requires that all referents (e.g., "this", "that") be made clear. Action items such as "Ralph to resolve this problem" are DISALLOWED. It takes a scribe only a few additional minutes to ensure that action items are clear, while it takes the entire WG considerable effort to constantly research the meaning of unclear action items. The subject of the action item should *not* require dereferencing; it is most helpful if agenda numbers and bug numbers are accompanied by their titles. % ACTION A-667-001 - Mike to fix Bug 30069 editorially. % ACTION A-667-002: O'Neil to remove the test associated with Bug 30023. =================================================== Joint XML Query Working Group and XSL Working Group =================================================== J1. Administrative Items J1.1 Selection of secretary(s) Abel has been asked to take the minutes. Jonathan has been asked to stand by. NOTE: The chair will confirm the secretary prior to the start of the meeting. Most recent secretaries (least-recent participants first): ---------------------------------------------------------- (This list identifies the most recent three occasions when each participant acted as Secretary for the Task Force. The person whose name is at the top of the list should plan to take the minutes at the meeting identified by this agenda; if that person is unavailable, then the job will fall to the next person on the list, etc. Abel Braaksma - 2016-10-18, 2016-06-28 Jonathan Robie - 2016-11-08, 2016-07-05, 2016-04-12 Mike Kay - 2016-11-15, 2016-07-26, 2016-04-26 O'Neil Delpratt - 2016-11-29, 2016-09-06, 2016-04-19 Michael Sprbrg-McQn - 2016-12-06, 2016-09-27, 2016-06-07 Michael Dyck - 2017-01-10, 2016-10-04, 2016-06-14 Liam Quin - 2017-01-17, 2016-10-25, 2016-09-13 Josh Spiegel - 2017-01-31, 2016-11-01, 2016-07-19 J1.2 Call the Roll -- NOT DONE DURING TELECONFERENCE Note to secretary: During the meeting, take a note of the Webex participants, then list in the minutes those present and those who sent regrets. All others will be presumed to have been absent without regrets. XML Query WG membership list: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=18797&order=org XSL WG membership list: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=19552&order=org Regrets: J1.3 Approval of agenda J1.3.1 Additions, deletions, or corrections? % Accepted without change. J1.4 Review of recent minutes and administrative items J1.4.1 Minutes of meeting #666 (Josh) https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2017Jan/0007.html % Accepted without change. J1.5 Review of action items NOTE: Please be prepared to respond quickly on your action items! J1.5.1 Outstanding action items ACTION A-657-12: Abel to create more tests for fn:transform, as he describes in bug 29834 Status: Pending; ETA 2016-11-26 ACTION A-661-04 (Bug 29997) Abel to fix up the dependencies on the fn:transform tests and if appropriate resubmit results. Status: Pending; ETA not specified. ACTION A-662-04: MikeKay to investigate bug 29932 Status: Pending; ETA 2017-03-07 % New ETA 2017-04-04 ACTION A-663-02: MK to respond to original commentor (Thomas Fischer) w.r.t. our decision on bug 30025 "[F+O3.1] array:join() - misleading name" (WORKSFORME). Status: Pending; ETA 2017-03-07 % New ETA 2017-04-04 ACTION A-663-03: MK to respond to original commentor w.r.t. our decision on bug 30024 "[F+O 3.1] Is map:entry superfluous?" (FIXED). Status: Pending; ETA 2017-03-07 % New ETA 2017-04-04 ACTION A-663-04: MK to address test suite bug 30023 [qt3ts] fn-transform-err-9a (which he may already have fixed). Status: Pending; ETA 2017-03-07 % New ETA 2017-04-04 ACTION-666-01 - Mike to update the namespace document as described in bug 30055. DONE, not yet committed. ACTION-666-03 - Mike to address editorial bugs 30055, 30053, 30052 Status: Pending; ETA not specified. % New ETA 2017-04-04 J1.5.2 Completed action items ACTION-666-02 - Josh to address editorial bugs 30051, 30050 Status: Closed; See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2017Feb/0000.html ACTION-666-04 - Andy to issue a revised meeting schedule. Status: Closed; See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2017Feb/0000.html J1.6 Update on related activities J1.6.1 Update on XSLT WG activities (Sharon, MikeK) % f2f in Prague, officially closed CR comment period today. % No substantive comments on the spec. Critical path to get to PR: % streaming results from Abel. J1.6.2 Update on EXPath/EXQuery CG activities (Mike) J1.7 Future Meetings J1.7.1 QT Meeting Schedule [V48] Joint XML Query/XSL WG meeting schedule https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2017Feb/0000.html J1.7.2 Future F2F Meetings J1.7.2.1 Other future F2F meetings (none) J2. Documents For Review (none) J3. Maintenance Issues J3.0 The XML Query WG and XSLT WG do not intend to maintains specs earlier than the 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches Recommendation, maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated. This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other problems reported against the 3.1 suite of specifications. J3.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of joint XML Query WG and XSLT WG documents (none) J4. Active Specification Development ** Note: Full Text 3.1 has been removed from the WG agenda. If, in the future, there is sufficient interest (i.e. at least two independent participants to develop the spec and implementations), then this can be brought back on the agenda. J4.1 Data Model 3.1 (Andy) J4.1.0 Internal working draft http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview-diff.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/src/changes.txt (none) J4.2 Functions and Operators 3.1 (Mike Kay) J4.2.0 Internal working draft http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview-diff.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/src/changes.txt J4.2.1 Bug 30069 - [FO31] Error codes for option parameters https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=30069 Status: Ready to discuss % Not purely editorial. Only one reading makes good technical sense. % Would not change the outcome of any test. % % Liam believes we can make this change without endangering progression. % % ACTION A-667-001 - Mike to fix Bug 30069 editorially. J4.3 Serialization 3.1 (Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Andy) J4.3.0 Internal working draft http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview-diff.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/src/changes.txt (none) J4.4 XPath 3.1 (Jonathan) J4.4.0 Internal working draft http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31-diff.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt (none) J4.5 Grammar Test Applets (Michael Dyck) (none) J4.6 QT3 test suite (O'Neil) J4.6.1 Status report on test suite, harness, tools % Bug 30023 has an open comment. All others have been % addressed. % % Decided: we will remove this bug because it is no longer an error. % % ACTION A-667-002: O'Neil to remove the test associated with Bug 30023. % J4.6.2 Status of 3.1 tests results Status: Currently five implementers submitted results J5. Progression of Work J5.1 XQuery 3.1, XQueryX 3.1, XPath 3.1, XDM 3.1, F&O 3.1, Serialization 3.1 J5.1.1 Current status * Proposed Recommendation J5.1.2 Dependencies inhibiting progression * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request % The W3C now decides when we move to REC status. It looks good at % this point. Soonest - up to Andi, could be next Tuesday. Latest - a month % from today. J5.2 Update 3.0 J5.2.1 Current Status * Working Group Note Insufficient resources and interest to continue development J6. Any other business J6.1 Consideration of future work J6.1.1 QT 3.2 The WGs decided that we will finish the 3.1 documents presently under way, but undertake no new work. Maintenance work should be planned upon for a period of time after finishing the specifications. J6.1.2 FT 3.1 Currently inadequate interest and resources J6.1.3 Update 3.1 Currently inadequate interest and resources J7. Adjourn ======================= XML Query Working Group ======================= Q1. The XML Query WG does not intend to maintains specs earlier than the 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches Recommendation, maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated. Q1.0 This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other problems reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) XML Query WG suite of specifications. Q1.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of XML Query WG documents (none) Q2. Active Specification Development Q2.1 XQuery 3.1 (Jonathan) Q2.1.0 Internal working draft http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31-diff.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt (none) Q2.2 XQueryX 3.1 (Josh) Q2.2.0 Internal working draft http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview-diff.html http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/src/changes.txt (none) Q3. Test Suite Development Q3.1 Update Facility 3.0 Test Suite (????) * Need test suite developer/manager * Need tests Q4. Any other business Q5. Adjourn Unless stated otherwise above: IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598. Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU
Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2017 08:26:21 UTC