Re: Done: ACTION A-641-14

On 6/26/16, 9:03 PM, "Michael Dyck" <> wrote:

>If we're going to say "X's associated expression" here, then "X" has to be
>"the extension expression".

Like this?

An extension expression consists of one or more pragmas, followed by an
optional expression (the extension expression's associated expression).

>But personally, I think it sounds odd to refer
>to a sub-expression of X as "X's associated expression" (because
>"associated" is a weak and non-specific word for something that already
>has a strong and fairly specific relation to X).

I guess Iım not convinced that the expression always provides fallback
behavior. For instance, in this example, the expression is evaluated
whether or not the pragma is recognized:

declare namespace exq = "";
   (# exq:use-index #)
      { $bib/book/author[name='Berners-Lee'] }

We provide two examples, one is a fallback expression, the other one
isnıt. Iım not sure that fallback expressions are the main use.


Received on Monday, 27 June 2016 18:41:02 UTC