Re: publication system changes

On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 03:06:47PM -0400, Liam R. E. Quin wrote:
> After August 1st all W3C /TR publications are suppoed to be in HTML 5.
> The XML syntax is OK, but some things are no longer allowed, e.g.
> abbr, shape=rect or name attributes, Philippe warned me.
> E.g.
> FCR-xpath-31-20151217%2F
> Do we have anyone who can work on this change?

Note that the 2016 TR styling also requires some changes in markup 
generated from xmlspec (I did some changes for the EXI WG, for the
TOC, see our copy of the stylesheet at
The conversion to HTML5 seems to be a much bigger task, though. even
just getting the doctype right was a pain, I'm not sure whether generating
polyglot markup is a good plan.

Carine Bournez /// W3C Europe

Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2016 20:01:00 UTC