Re: ACTION 614-12: Smart Quotes

On 11 September 2015 at 21:00, Michael Kay wrote:

> I’d like to put forward the idea of using chevrons instead.

I like the idea.

> Within a string constructor the sequence « introduces an embedded
> expression, which must be followed by »

I don't like this one though.  It means that in plain text, the character
"«" will have a special, technical meaning.  This character is used in
French (at least) as the double-quotes in English, and I expect this to
resolve into a lot of surprise and potentially hard to catch bugs.

If we are going out of the ASCII range (at last, in 2015), I suggest we
find one that is less used in day-to-day editorial content (almost every
news article in French would contain some « and », for instance, and not
only in French it seems:

Also, even though I like the idea of getting rid of the ASCII prison, I
think we should still define an alternate marker, a sequence of ASCII
character someone can decide to use instead of the non-ASCII character.  My
text editor is "clever" enough to let me type such non-ASCII character
quite easily.  But most text editors are disappointing.


Florent Georges

Received on Saturday, 12 September 2015 14:24:15 UTC