RE: Fixes to string constructors now in internal WD

I like both changes. 

1. Changing EnclosedExpr to "{" Expr? "}" is obviously a grammar change (@mdyck), and would require WG approval on Tuesday, I think.  I really like it, because I often write a set of empty functions before I write the function expression, e.g.

declare function local:dingsbums($x)

With the current grammar, I have to put something in there, so I write something like this:

declare function local:dingsbums($x)

2. Changing string-join to accept xs:anyAtomicType* is definitely more convenient. Should string-join() also use ' ' as the default separator?  I can always specify string-join($x, '') if I don't want that.  

From: Josh Spiegel []
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 10:09 AM
To: Michael Kay
Cc: Robie, Jonathan; Public Joint XSLT XQuery XPath
Subject: Re: Fixes to string constructors now in internal WD

Makes sense. Let’s also make the enclosed expression optional and modify string-join to accept xs:anyAtomicType* instead of xs:string*.


> On Oct 8, 2015, at 1:45 AM, Michael Kay <> wrote:
>> On 8 Oct 2015, at 03:53, Josh Spiegel <> wrote:
>>> each string constructor interpolation $i is evaluated, then converted to a string using the expression string-join($i ! string(.))
>> I agree with Mike about atomization and lean towards separating the values with spaces because it seems more consistent with the behavior of constructor content ( Content, e. iii) and sequence normalization.  e.g.
>>    ($i ! (. cast as xs:string)) => string-join(‘ ‘)
> I’m OK with that. (Can’t help feeling that’s what string-join() itself should do: string-join(1 to 4, ‘ ‘) => “1 2 3 4”.)
>> (the cast expr will atomize)
>>> StringConstructorInterpolation         ::=          "`{" Expr "}`"
>> Can we make it “Expr?” instead of “Expr”
> If we do that, I think we should do it in EnclosedExpr as well.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Received on Thursday, 8 October 2015 14:24:09 UTC