Minutes: DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #618 Agenda 2015-09-29

Apologies for the late minutes.


> From: Andrew Coleman <andrew_coleman@uk.ibm.com>
> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 14:47:27 +0100
> To: public-xsl-query@w3.org
> Message-ID: <OFC740FCA9.398AD107-ON80257ECB.004BA518-80257ECB.004BC1C5@uk.ibm.com>
> DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #618 Agenda 2015-09-29
> Andy will chair this meeting.
> Changes in this agenda:
> (none)
> This week, I'd like us to work on the following items:
> J4.7
> J4.9
> Q2.3
> Key:
> J = Joint Query/XSLT meeting;
> Q = Query-only meeting
> Teleconference connection details
> ---------------------------------
> (Member only)
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2015Sep/0014.html
> ====================
> Note to secretary: Please insert a summary of all decisions made during
> this teleconference at this location in the minutes.
> Decisions MUST be clear as to their complete intent.  The subject of the
> decision should *not* require dereferencing; it is most helpful if
> agenda numbers and bug numbers are accompanied by their titles.  If a
> decision is recorded about the resolution of a bug, the decision must
> state exactly what the resolution is (e.g., "Accept the solution in
> comment #5", or "Replace the production for XXX with this: <new
> production>", or the like.  It should be possible to read a decision
> months later and be certain what it meant and whether or not it was
> properly applied.

Decided: Adopted Mike Kay's proposal to resolve Bug 28845.
Adopted with coda B, adopting comment #9 as a correction.

> ================
> Note to secretary: Please insert all new action items assigned during
> this teleconference at this location in the minutes.
> Action items MUST make sense even when they are viewed standalone (that
> is, not read in the context of the agenda item where they were
> assigned).  This explicitly requires that all referents (e.g., "this",
> "that") be made clear.  Action items such as "Ralph to resolve this
> problem" are DISALLOWED.  It takes a scribe only a few additional
> minutes to ensure that action items are clear, while it takes the entire
> WG considerable effort to constantly research the meaning of unclear
> action items.  The subject of the action item should *not* require
> dereferencing; it is most helpful if agenda numbers and bug numbers are
> accompanied by their titles.

ACTION A-618-01: Loren to change the schema for serialization to allow
for EQNames.

ACTION A-618-02 Mike to propose a resolution to
https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28845 comments #10-11.

ACTION A-618-03 Mike to close https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29044
and implement it in the specification.

ACTION A-618-04 Mike to handle Bug 29145 editorially.

ACTION A-618-05 Mike to suggest a resolution to Bug 29146.

ACTION A-618-06  MDyck to modify string template grammar to use
``[   .... `{  .... }`  ..... ]`` delimiters.

ACTION A-618-07 Jonathan to write text for string templates and add it
to the spec.

ACTION A-618-08 O'Neil to add texts for fn:collection to support
results that are not nodes. One approach: the test suite specifies a query that returns a sequence
equivalent to the contents of a sequence, e.g.

<collection uri="my-collection" xpath="yes">unparsed-text-lines('xxx')!parse-json()</collection>

> ===================================================
> Joint XML Query Working Group and XSL Working Group
> ===================================================
> J1. Administrative Items
> J1.1 Selection of secretary(s)
> Adam has been asked to take the minutes. Jonathan has been asked to stand
> by.
> NOTE: The chair will confirm the secretary prior to the start of the
> meeting.
> Most recent secretaries (least-recent participants first):
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> (This list identifies the most recent three occasions when each
> participant acted as Secretary for the Task Force.  The person whose
> name is at the top of the list should plan to take the minutes at the
> meeting identified by this agenda; if that person is unavailable, then
> the job will fall to the next person on the list, etc.
> Adam Retter         - 2015-04-21, 2015-01-20, 2014-09-23
> Jonathan Robie      - 2015-05-12, 2015-01-13, 2014-10-28
> Michael Sprbrg-McQn - 2015-06-09, 2015-03-03, 2014-11-25
> Liam Quin           - 2015-06-16, 2015-03-10, 2014-10-27
> O'Neil Delpratt     - 2015-06-23, 2015-03-17, 2014-12-02
> Mike Kay            - 2015-07-15, 2015-04-14, 2015-01-06
> John Snelson        - 2015-07-16, 2015-06-02, 2015-02-11
> Loren Cahlander     - 2015-07-17, 2015-05-19, 2015-02-10
> Michael Dyck        - 2015-09-01, 2015-03-31, 2014-12-16
> Josh Spiegel        - 2015-09-08, 2015-03-24, 2014-12-09
> Tim Mills           - 2015-09-15, 2015-04-21, 2015-02-03
> Norm Walsh          - 2015-09-22, 2015-05-05, 2015-01-27
> Note to secretary: During the meeting, take a note of the Webex
> participants, then list in the minutes those present and those who sent
> regrets.  All others will be presumed to have been absent without regrets.
> XML Query WG membership list:
> http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=18797&order=org
> XSL WG membership list:
> http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=19552&order=org
> Regrets:
> J1.3 Approval of agenda
> J1.3.1 Additions, deletions, or corrections?
> J1.4 Review of recent minutes and administrative items
> J1.4.1 Minutes of meeting #616 (Norm)
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2015Sep/0090.html

Accepted as a true record of last week's meeting.

> J1.5 Review of action items
> NOTE: Please be prepared to respond quickly on your action items!
> J1.5.1 Outstanding action items
> ACTION A-579-18: Jonathan to write change proposal to support update of
> maps and arrays.  (See agenda item Q2.1.1)
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-11-24
> ACTION A-585-04: Jonathan to write a concrete proposal for XQuery Update
> 3.1 that makes preservation of node identity implementation defined at
> the persistence layer.
> See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2014Nov/0012.html
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-11-24

Not due.

> ACTION A-613-04 O'Neil to ensure that the use cases in the XQuery 3.1
> requirements and use cases document are added to the QT3 test suite.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29


Adding new tests for fn:collection() with more general type to the
agenda under test status.

> ACTION A-613-26: Norm Walsh to replace the text in XDM 3.1 section
> 17.1 by implementing the changes from comment 6 of bug 28795.
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28795#c6
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29
> ACTION A-613-30: Jonathan Robie to editorially resolve bug
> 27059. Include the example of function coercion against a map item
> from comment 4 of bug 27059.
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27059#c4
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29

Open. ETA 2015-10-06

> ACTION A-614-01 on JRobie to work with Zed to build FT 3.1 docs before
> checking them in.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29

Josh can help during the next week.

> ACTION A-614-11 on JRobie re Bug 28966: make the change described in the
> bug
> and mark the bug fixed.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29


> ACTION A-614-13 on JRobie to propose wording to resolve Bug 29027.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29

Open. ETA 2015-10-06

> ACTION A-616-01:  Loren to explain the changes he made to the
> serialization schema in response to Josh's email.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

Still need support for EQNames in option declarations and in the schema for serialization parameters
e.g. Q{my.example.com}foo

Perhaps use a pattern to represent this in the schema? Don't try to fine-tune the URI part.


ACTION A-618-01: Loren to change the schema for serialization to allow
for EQNames.

ETA 2015-10-06

> ACTION A-616-02: Michael SpMQ to make changes to serialization
> specification detailed in
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26862
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29

ETA 2015-10-13

> ACTION A-616-05: MikeK to add note to F&O offering more explanation in
> light of decision on Bug 20602 - [QT3TS] fn-resolve-uri-32.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.


> ACTION A-616-06: MikeK to update specification in light of adoption of
> proposal in Comment #2
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29009#c2
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.


> ACTION A-616-07: MikeK to update specification regarding J4.7.3 Bug 29024
> - fn:serialize needs clarification when method parameter set from a map
> and J4.7.4 Bug 29028 - fn:serialize should specify the required type for
> QNames-type with accepted proposal in
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29024#c3
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.


> ACTION A-617-01 Jonathan to bring discussion of bug 29119 to the mailing
> list.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.


> ACTION A-617-02: Michael Dyck to write a grammar for string templates with
> names and delimiters he chooses.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29


> ACTION A-617-04: ETA 2015-09-29 Jonathan to write prose for the section
> on string templates.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29

Open. ETA 2015-10-06.

> J1.5.2 Completed action items
> ACTION A-613-23: Norm Walsh to implement the changes from comment 3
> and 4 of bug 28299 in XDM 3.1, including moving the definition of
> xs:numeric from F&O 3.1 to XDM 3.1. All other editors to refer to the
> definition of xs:numeric in XDM 3.1.
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28299#c3
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28299#c4
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2015Sep/0089.html
> ACTION A-616-03: Andy to contact Christian to see if he would take
> ownership of the XQUTS.
> Status: Closed; Discussed in a private communication.  Christian would
> like to defer any descision on this for a few months.
> ACTION A-616-04: JRobie to update smart quotes (AKA string templates)
> proposal with syntax discussed.
> Status: Closed; Discussed on mailing list
> ACTION A-617-03:  Jonathan to start an email discussion about the
> selection of actual delimiters.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2015Sep/0091.html
> J1.6 Update on related activities
> J1.6.1 Update on XSLT WG activities (Sharon, MikeK)

Unlikely to publish on 13 October.

> J1.6.2 Update on EXPath/EXQuery CG activities (Loren)

No activity.

> J1.7 Future Meetings
> J1.7.1 QT Meeting Schedule
> [V43] Joint XML Query/XSL WG meeting schedule
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2015Jul/0038.html
> J1.7.2 Future F2F Meetings

Will plan the next meeting to coordinate with XML Prague, Feb 11-14th.

> J1.7.2.1 Other future F2F meetings
> The XML Query WG decided NOT to meet in conjunction with the W3C Tech
> Plenary in October 2015 in Hokkaido, Japan.
> There is interest in a possible F2F in conjunction with XML Prague in
> February 2016.
> J2. Documents For Review
> (none)
> J3. Maintenance Issues
> J3.0 The XML Query WG and XSLT WG do not intend to maintains specs
> earlier than the 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches
> Recommendation, maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.
> This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other problems
> reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) suite of specifications.
> J3.0.1 Concerns raised by the XSLT working group in regards to potential
> completion delays of XSLT 3.0 if XPath 3.0 is made obsoleted by 3.1
> Status: Pending the outcome of Abel's review of 3.0 bugs/errata.
>         Any change to the status of the 3.0 specs requires explicit XSL WG
>         consultation.
> J3.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of joint XML Query WG and
> XSLT WG documents
> J3.1.1 Bugzilla Bug 24568, Is the type system really a lattice? Or just
> a partially ordered set?
> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24568
> Status: Fixed in Data Model 3.1; not expected to be addressed in Data
> Model 3.0
> J3.1.2 Bugzilla Bug 25231, [F+O 3.0 ONLY], ISO 8601, and XSD 1.1
> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=25231
> Status: Fixed in F&O 3.1; not expected to be addressed in F&O 3.0
> J3.1.3 Bugzilla Bug 26788, [XPath30] XQuery-only errors in XPath 3.0
> specification, like XQST0134"
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26788
> Status: Fixed in XPath 3.1; not expected to be addressed in XPath 3.0
> J4. Active Specification Development
> J4.1 Full Text 3.0 (Jim)
> J4.1.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-full-text-30/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-full-text-30/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-full-text-30/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> J4.2 Full Text 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases (Jim)
> J4.2.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/requirements/xpath-full-text-30/html/Overview.html
> (none)
> J4.3 Full Text 3.1 (Zed Zhou)
> J4.1.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-full-text-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-full-text-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-full-text-31/src/changes.txt
> Zed Zhou should prepare a draft of this document with at least some
> technical changes (relative to Full Text 3.0) already made so the WGs
> can consider if they like the direction.
> J4.4 Full Text 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases (Zed Zhou)
> J4.4.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/requirements/xpath-full-text-31/html/Overview.html
> Zed Zhou should prepare a draft of this document with the necessary
> requirements and at least some use cases for the WGs to consider.  We
> should spend significant time determining which requirements the WGs
> will accept.
> J4.5 XPath and XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases (Jonathan)
> J4.5.0 Internal working drafts
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/requirements/xquery-31/html/Overview.html
> (none)
> J4.6 Data Model 3.1 (Norm)
> J4.6.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> J4.7 Functions and Operators 3.1 (Mike Kay)
> J4.7.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/src/changes.txt
> J4.7.1 Bug 28845 - fn:format-number, formatting rules for exponential
> notation
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28845
> Status: Ready to discuss; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2015Sep/0008.html

Adopted with coda B, adopting comment #9 as a correction.

ACTION A-618-02 Mike to propose a resolution to
https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28845 comments #10-11.

> J4.7.2 Bug 29044 - array:sort does not define a total order when keys
> contain NaN
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29044
> Status: Ready to discuss

ACTION A-618-03 Mike to close https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29044
and implement it in the specification.

> J4.7.3 Bug 29145 - [XP31] rogue TERMDEF in 16.3.2
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29145
> Status: Ready to discuss

Editorial, left to Mike's discretion.

ACTION A-618-04 Mike to handle Bug 29145 editorially.

> J4.7.4 Bug 29146 - [FO31] fn:transform options update
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29146
> Status: Ready to discuss

Leaving on the agenda.

ACTION A-618-05 Mike to suggest a resolution to Bug 29146.

> J4.8 Serialization 3.1 (Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Andy)
> J4.8.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> J4.9 XPath 3.1 (Jonathan)
> J4.9.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt
> J4.9.1 Bug 29119 - [XP31] xs:error always raises a type error
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29119
> Status: Ready to discuss
> J4.9.2 Bug 29143 - [XP31] CurlyArrayConstructor suggests XQuery-only
> expressions
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29143
> Status: Ready to discuss
> J4.9.3 Bug 29144 - [XP31] section I.3 Changes in the Candidate
> Recommendation references XQuery, not XPath
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29144
> Status: Ready to discuss
> J4.10 Grammar Test Applets (Michael Dyck)
> J4.10.1 Bugzilla Bug 13796, [Applet30] \u escaped characters in grammar
> applets
> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13796
> Status: Pending
> J4.11 QT3 test suite (O'Neil)
> J4.11.1 Status report on test suite, harness, tools


Need tests for fn:collection(), returning non-nodes, e.g. JSON.  How
do we deal with collections, which cannot be serialized?

We can use arrays to indicate the items in the sequence, the test
harness needs to convert these contents to a sequence.

One approach: the test suite specifies a query that returns a sequence
equivalent to the contents of a sequence, e.g.

<collection uri="my-collection" xpath="yes">unparsed-text-lines('xxx')!parse-json()</collection>

ACTION A-618-08 O'Neil to

> J4.11.2 Status of 3.1 tests
> Status: Coverage is almost complete.
> J4.11.3 Publication of test suite.
> Status: Ready to discuss
> J4.12 FT 3.1 test suite (???)
> * Need test suite developer/manager
> * Need tests
> J5. Progression of Work
> J5.1 XSLT 3.0, XQuery 3.1, XQueryX 3.1, XPath 3.1, XDM 3.1, F&O 3.1,
> Serialization 3.1
> J5.1.1 Current status
> * In Candidate Recommendation; awaiting implementation reports
> J5.1.2 Dependencies inhibiting progression
> * Completion of test suite minimum-required-to-declare-victory
> * Sufficient implementation experience and reports thereof
> * Formal response to all comments, responses accepted by commenters
> * PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request
> * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request
> J5.2 Full Text 3.0
> J5.2.1 Current Status
> * Proposed Recommendation
> J5.2.2 Dependencies inhibiting progression
> * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request
> J5.3 Update 3.0
> J5.3.1 Current Status
> * In Last Call Working Draft
> J5.3.2 Require owner of XQUF 3.0 Test Suite
> J5.3.3 Dependencies inhibiting progression
> * CR Transition Request and authorization, CR pub request
> * Completion of test suite minimum-required-to-declare-victory
> * Sufficient implementation experience and reports thereof
> * Formal response to all comments, responses accepted by commenters
> * PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request
> * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request
> J6. Any other business
> J6.1 Consideration of future work
> J6.1.1 QT 3.2
> The WGs decided that we will finish the 3.1 documents presently under way,
> but undertake no new work. Maintenance work should be planned upon for a
> period of time after finishing the specifications.
> J6.1.2 FT 3.1
> EMC has expressed interest and is willing to provide resources
> J6.1.3 Update 3.1
> Unclear whether there is adequate interest or resources
> J7. Adjourn
> =======================
> XML Query Working Group
> =======================
> Q1. The XML Query WG does not intend to maintains specs earlier than the
> 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches Recommendation,
> maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.
> Q1.0 This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other
> problems reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) XML Query WG suite of
> specifications.
> Status: Pending completion of ACTION A-592-02.
> Q1.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of XML Query WG documents
> (none)
> Q2. Active Specification Development
> Q2.1 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 (John)
> Q2.1.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/src/changes.txt
> * The WG needs to obtain implementation experience with this document.
> Q2.2 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases (Andy)
> See
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/requirements/xquery-update-30/html/Overview.html
> * The WGs need to be certain that this document is completed
> (red/yellow/green bullets on requirements, all the use cases intended to
> be published) and a decision made to advance it to WG Note.
> Q2.3 XQuery 3.1 (Jonathan)
> Q2.3.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt
> Q2.3.1 String Templates (smart quotes)
> See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2015Sep/0072.html
> Status: Ready to discuss

Decided: we will use these delimiters:

``[   .... `{  .... }`  ..... ]``

ACTION A-618-06  MDyck to modify string template grammar to use
``[   .... `{  .... }`  ..... ]`` delimiters.

ACTION A-618-07 Jonathan to write text for string templates and add it
to the spec.

> Q2.3.2 Bug 29027 - [qt3] contextDecl-022
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29027
> Status: Pending completion of A-614-13
> Q2.4 XQueryX 3.1 (Josh)
> Q2.4.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> Q3. Test Suite Development
> Q3.1 Update Facility 3.0 Test Suite (????)
> * Need test suite developer/manager
> * Need tests
> Q4. Any other business
> Q5. Adjourn

Received on Monday, 5 October 2015 20:38:15 UTC