Re: Data binding results update for XBinder

Hello everyone,

We now have results available for the expanded set of test cases.
They are at the same URL's listed below.

As we had mentioned in an earlier post, we found problems with a
number of tests in the suite.  I believe we are treating those as
'skipped' in our results.  We look forward to rerunning the tests once
the issues with the suite are resolved.


Ed Day
Objective Systems, Inc.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Ed Day <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>  We would like to update our original submission of XBinder results
>  that were made last summer.  We have had two releases since then and
>  now score considerably better on the tests.
>  Our latest test report can be found at the following location:
>  The full test suite implementation is available here:
>  Please let us know if anything is missing that is necessary for
>  submission.  We look forward to your prompt action on this request and
>  would like to thank the group for all the fine work you have done in
>  bringing data binding issues to light.
>  Regards,
>  --
>  Ed Day
>  Objective Systems, Inc.

Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 17:48:15 UTC