Comments on test cases

I've been working through the various test cases.  I still have to resolve 
some issues (such as handling xs:include in the tests etc.), but I thought 
I'd report back some things I have found.

As our tool is very much a schema tool, I'm using the .xsd files rather than 
the .wsdl files, or the various echo*.* files.

Firstly, I'm impressed by how much work you have done.

- In floatElement and the various float tests, the default and enumerated 
values actually have more decimal digits than can be captured by a single 
precision value.  This makes round tripping difficult.  For example, when 
1267.43233E12 is input, our tool outputs 1.267432e+15 (7 digits of 
precision, which I believe if right for a single precision floating point 
number - 23 bits?).

Some of the problem here is that our XML comparison tool is not schema 
aware.  So it looks at the two values, sees they're not lexically identical, 
and then says "well, maybe they're floating point numbers".  The trouble is, 
our comparison tool, being C++, converts both numbers to doubles, at which 
precision the two numbers are different.

Obviously if you have a better comparison tool you can get around this.  But 
I still feel if you are testing single precision floating point values, 
you're literals should be exactly representable at that precision.

- In the globalStringAttribute schema I believe the reference to the global 
attribute needs a namespace prefix (e.g. ref="ex:...").

I'm not sure if these instances are supposed to be wrong but...

- The QualifiedLocalElements01.xml instance looks wrong to me.  Needs to be 
<ex:qualifiedLocalElements ... unless the instance meant to define a default 

- ElementDefault-ElementDefault04.xml looks wrong.  'anotherValue' can not 
appear without being wrapped in <text> tags.

- For the non-SOAP XML instances there are a lot of redundant soap and wsdl 
namespace prefixes set up.  I assume these are as a result of generating the 
instances from some master input.  It's not a big issue, but if they weren't 
present it would look prettier!

That's all for now.  I may have more later.



P.S. Our company name has changed, hence the different sig
Pete Cordell
Codalogic Ltd
for XML Schema to C++ data binding visit

Received on Friday, 8 June 2007 11:12:16 UTC