Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon July 10 2007

Minutes from today's short call:


and copied below for tracker's searching:

                                   - DRAFT -

                         Databinding WG Teleconference

10 Jul 2007

   See also: IRC log


   Present Jon Calladine (BT)
          George Cowe (Origo Services Limited)
          Paul Downey (BT)
          Yves Lafon (W3C)




     * Topics
         1. F2F Planning
     * Summary of Action Items

F2F Planning

   <scribe> ACTION: pdowney to arrange a test re-run ahead [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-124 - Arrange a test re-run ahead [on Paul
   Downey - due 2007-07-17].

   pauld: we need to close all our LC comments
   ... do some editing and prepare Basic for PR
   ... same time should prepare Advanced document for another WD
   ... if not Advanced LC
   ... given current risks to participation, we must make progress at the

   yves: publishing our findings will be of great value to the community
   ... maybe we could publish Basic as a CR document?
   ... engages a wider audience

   pauld: that sounds more feasible and honest

   yves: we may get more reports, but that may lower the bar further

   pauld: can't make the 24th, let's meet on the 17th - maybe make that a
   re-run of the report?
   ... maybe we could line up WebSphere (JAXB), WCF, BEA and Oracle?
   ... will work on "patterns in the wild"
   ... what's the status of the patterns detection service?

   gcowe: last thing I remember we just needed to move the stylesheet

   yves: we can work on that at the F2F

   pauld: some discussion on the list re float comparison, are we happy?

   yves: I'll reply again with more detail on the float

   pauld: OK, so I'll line things up for the 17th and then it's the F2F

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: pdowney to arrange a test re-run ahead [recorded in

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2007 21:11:58 UTC