FW: XML Schema 1.1 Part 1: Structures Public Working Draft

Members of this WG may be interested in a new Working Draft
of W3C XML Schema 1.1 Structures document. You can send
any comments as individuals, or the WG may submit comments 
on your behalf, should you prefer.


-----Original Message-----
From: chairs-request@w3.org [mailto:chairs-request@w3.org]On Behalf Of
David Ezell
Sent: 06 September 2006 21:12
To: chairs@w3.org
Cc: w3c-xml-schema-ig@w3.org
Subject: XML Schema 1.1 Part 1: Structures Public Working Draft 

Dear fellow chairs and other interested folks:

On behalf of the XML Schema WG, I'd like to cordially invite you and
your WG members to review the latest public working draft of XML Schema
1.1 Structures[1].  While we've done considerable technical work over
the past year and a half (embodied in our Datatypes LCWD a few months
ago and a previous PWD of Structures), this publication contains new
material addressing a number of real issues that confront (and sometimes
confound) users of XML Schema 1.0.

Highlights of this draft include:
1) A definition of a check-clause facility supporting co-constraints.
2) Improvements to the rules governing the interactions of wildcards and
elements in content models.
3) Better support for versioning of XML Schemas.
4) Improvements in the definition and description of the PSVI.

In regard to #3, David Orchard has graciously produced a document[2]
explaining how exactly a user of XML Schema would use the mechanisms to
achieve various goals implicit in versioning scenarios.  While this
document does not yet have formal WG endorsement, I personally find it
very useful; I think you will, too.

Speaking as a WG member (and not as chair), I would suggest that readers
be prepared for the following changes coming (hopefully) later in the
year in the LCWD:
1) Implementation of additional co-constraint mechanisms.
2) Further refinements to the PSVI.
3) Support for additional versioning use cases.

Happy hunting.

Best regards,
David Ezell, chair
XML Schema Working Group

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-xmlschema11-1-20060831/

Received on Friday, 8 September 2006 09:53:51 UTC