Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding telcon 21 November 2006

minutes from today's call are now available:


and copied below for tracker's searching


                                   - DRAFT -

                         Databinding WG Teleconference

21 Nov 2006


   See also: IRC log


          Vladislav Bezrukov (SAP AG)
          George Cowe (Origo Services Limited)
          Paul Downey (BT)
          Yves Lafon (W3C)




     * Topics
         1. Administrivia
         2. Status of our Last Call WD
         3. Publication of First Public WD of Advanced
         4. Test Suite and Detection
         5. ISSUE-65: Why would a pattern NOT be included in our Advanced
     * Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 21 November 2006

   <scribe> Scribe: pauld


   no objections to approving minutes from the 14th

Status of our Last Call WD

   pauld: please review, I think editing is mostly complete

   george: is there anything missing?

   yves: moritorium starts tomorrow night
   ... can publish if we have it in time


   pauld: quite a few editorial changes, highlight patterns in orange,
   more narative text and hightlight elements and attributes matched in
   the examples
   ... may have overstepped the mark with ISSUE-96 and the
   ElementElementSequence pattern:

   george: we can remove it if there is a problem with tools

   pauld: or we could remove it now, we don't have good coverage only
   what we're interested in as a small WG

   george: wasn't my intention for ISSUE-96, but it's OK to include it
   under that issue

   pauld: let's go with this pattern included
   ... please read the spec and flag editorial nits asap

   vlad: what happens if we have more patterns

   pauld: if you want them as basic submit them as LC comments

   vlad: advanced should be OK

   pauld: end of LC on the 5th?

   yves: 12th seems better

   pauld: OK 12th it is

   <vladB> +1 to Yves

   pauld: review, thinking of asking XMLSchema WG

   yves: soapbuilders

   pauld: we need the test suite page for them

   yves: for basic they're important, it's a heads-up

   pauld: WS-I Basic Profile, and WSDL WG
   ... CG call later, can fix it there

Publication of First Public WD of Advanced

   pauld: OK to publish our first public WD of advanced?
   ... short link for advanced spec?

   we have http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-patterns/


   pauld: let's publish to coincide with our LCWD of Basic.

Test Suite and Detection

   george: we're ok if it doesn't follow import and include

   pauld: might be interesting to have the detector highlight imports and
   includes as links

   george: how long before we have a validation service?

   yves: we have a mechnism to run servlets

   pauld: we need to make sure it doesn't blow up on unknowns

   <scribe> ACTION: gcowe to develop W3C detection service with help from
   Yves [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-90 - Develop W3C detection service with help
   from Yves [on George Cowe - due 2006-11-28].

   pauld: been collecting schemas from the wild , will publish a report
   ... test suite, we have Python ZSI on the matrix

   yves: i've been working on the test client, going to have to go
   through an XSLT path, still in progress

   pauld: do you need more metadata in the examples.xml?

   yves: will need help for float
   ... probably just do simple XML equality, then add manual tests as

   pauld: possible to schema validate the responses?
   ... vlad, can you consider adding your own implementation to our

ISSUE-65: Why would a pattern NOT be included in our Advanced document?

   pauld: we could go for 100% coverage of XML Schema 1.0, but we'll be
   here a long time
   ... maybe my farming of schemas to drive patterns

   george: sounds like a sensible approach, look for how people are
   writing schemas

   pauld: how will we know when we're done?

   yves: when as a WG we agre we're done

   pauld: maybe a time driven process?
   ... or hopefully we'll get lots from LC comments
   ... how can we get people to submit their schemas to look for patterns
   ... worries about missing schemas which are not public, or freely
   available (hidden inside Zip or msi files behind a ULA)

   george: maybe we should ask for contributions

   pauld: how do we find vertical organisations?

   george: that's the problem

   yves: problem is people have schemas which don't work with tools?

   pauld: yes, and we can be unaware of them
   ... we need to call for implementations *and* schemas to drive

   vlad: can try to contribute schemas generated by our implementation

   pauld: do SAP have other Schemas and WSDLs we can add to our list

   <vladB> i have to find out

   pauld: schema filetype:xsd site:w3.org in google is great!
   ... so it sounds like our bar is a pattern has to be demonstated to be
   in use in the wild

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: gcowe to develop W3C detection service with help from
   Yves [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2006 02:12:08 UTC