- From: <Paul.V.Biron@kp.org>
- Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 13:49:43 -0700
- To: public-xsd-databinding@w3.org
- Cc: public-xsd-databinding@w3.org, public-xsd-databinding-request@w3.org
> JAXB 2.0 > JAXB 1.1 Remember that JAXB is a spec for what data binding tools should generate...not a tool itself. There is a reference implementation of that spec and that is what most people mean when they say JAXB...but there are other implementations of JAXB (e.g., Apache JAXMe)...probably good to include at least one of those other implementations. I'd also add at least 1 version of Castor and XMLBeans to John's list (as I know that some people implementing the HL7 spec have tried to use them). Anyone know of any Perl binding tools? I've only ever seen one very partial schema validator...so I doubt there are many binding tools :-) pvb
Received on Friday, 21 April 2006 20:50:11 UTC