RE: Repeated Element

Dear Ranato,

> In your last public draft [1] in section 3.14 Repeated Element, there  
> is an assumption that the repeated elements are in semantic order 
> - eg Example 20 has the address items  in order.
> Should this be made explicit in the draft?

We discussed this on today's call and decided to record
a new issue "ISSUE-63: is the order of a repeated element significant?"

> Also, there is a minor typo in Example 18 where it should be  
> type="ex:Languages" in the first line
> and name="Languages" in the second, and the Instance should be  
> uppercase <Languages>

We're currently building a process to build test Schemas,
WSDL, instance documents and SOAP documents for each pattern in 
our specifications, which should catch this, and other such issues
with our examples.


Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2006 18:32:23 UTC