
ht@inf.ed.ac.uk (Henry S. Thompson) writes:
>This registry is the realization of that commitment. It allows one to
>easily determine whether or not a name is already registered as a
>scheme name via HTTP, and offers a simple procedure, incorporating
>Team and public review, for registering new scheme names.

I took a quick look this weekend, and was happy to see the work the TEI
folks have done on various XPointer schemes.

One warning, though: the xpath scheme submitted appears to be
functionally identical to an xpath1 scheme I proposed years ago, which
happens to be implemented in Mozilla and 4Suite and possibly elsewhere:


You could probably make xpath1 and xpath synonyms without breaking
anything,  but someone should probably think about that.

(I think I originally proposed mine as xpath, but the existence of XPath
2.0 provoked the change to xpath1 for clarity's sake.)

Good luck,

Simon St.Laurent

Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 19:28:02 UTC