Re: Encryption 1.1 interop Qs

On 6/9/12 1:59 PM, "Cantor, Scott" <> wrote:
>If it's not a lot of trouble for you, generating that same test case using
>SHA-1 in the DigestMethod would be appreciated, that way I know what to
>spend my time on.

Sorry, I was mixing up my test cases. The one I was having trouble with is
the first one that's labeled AES128-GCM with a 2048 bit RSA key inside
OAEP with MGF1 and SHA-1 as a digest:

That one is pretty vanilla, but my code is failing on the key decrypt. Why
I got confused when you asked is that I just noticed the test case page
pointing to that test case claims that it's using SHA-256 in the

Digest:SHA256, MGF:SHA1
PSource: None

That doesn't match the test case. So I'm still wondering if something is
wrong with the test case. Either way the description doesn't match the
test case, so one of them's wrong.

FWIW, I did try altering the DigestMethod in the test case to SHA-256, and
that still wouldn't decrypt for me.

-- Scott

Received on Saturday, 9 June 2012 18:22:29 UTC