Re: Possible missing algorithms?

This sounds like a bug in the spec - anyone else care to comment?

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Jul 5, 2012, at 2:18 PM, ext Cantor, Scott wrote:

> In the vein of that AES-192 oversight, what is the status of RSA and ECDSA with SHA224?
> I inherited some code that does define a URI constant for RSAw/SHA224, but I don't see it anywhere, so I'm wondering if it was a bug.
> I also noted though that RFC 4051 does define a constant for ECDSA w/ 224, but it's not in the Sig 1.1 draft. Same goes for HMAC with 224 actually.
> And I do see the latter two in the alg cross reference, so I'm thinking bug in Sig 1.1?
> -- Scott

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2012 18:54:39 UTC