Re: Importing 1.0 while normatively referencing 1.1 ( LC-2544) ( LC-2561)

On 9/6/11 2:43 AM, "MURATA Makoto" <> wrote:
>> There are two. One is simple correctness, use of import properly instead
>> of as a substitute for some other intent that XSD does not support.
>This is not an advantage but your personal belief.

It is an objective fact that you are proposing an atypical use of the
import feature. Whether avoiding that is in and of itself an advantage is
a personal belief.

>Of course, many definitions in schemas are not used for simple
>documents.  This happens in most schemas.  But this does not mean
>that such definitions are useless.  They will be used for other

That doesn't at all address the point I'm making. Extra definitions found
in the schema don't prevent documents that ignore those definitions from
validating. Adding an import if you don't have the schema it points to

I think both your and my positions are fairly clear and the WG can decide
the matter.

-- Scott

Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 12:51:45 UTC