RE: Does Dsig 2.0 allow URIs with fragment identifiers

> Should we allow   <dsig2:Selection> to have a URI of the form
> i.e containing a fragment identifier at the end e.g.  "#chapter1"

Yes, for the usual reason (when XPath is not available).

> this means that the implementation need to remove the fragment identifier
> from the URI, resolve the modified URI, parse it into XML and then look for
> an element containing an id of specified in the fragment.  I am not sure if this
> was MANDATORY to implement in Dsig 1.0.

It was in at least one of the forms (there was bare fragment, and the xpointer option).

> There is currently an inconsistency in section 10.6.1
> In the first para it says that URI attribute is required, but later on it says that
> either URI attribute should be present or IncludedXPath should be present.  I
> need to modify it to say something like this -  The IncludedXPath cannot be
> present if the URI has a fragment identifier.

Is the intent for the URI to be omitted when IncludedXPath is used, or just set to the empty string? I believe the latter may be the intent, since the IncludedXPath is evaluated against the whole document.

-- Scott

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2011 15:18:33 UTC