Re: [widgets] How to divorce widgets-digsig from Elliptic Curve PAG?

On Tue, 2011-12-13 at 13:14 -0500, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> Hi All,
> The Widgets DigSig spec [W-DigSig] has been sitting in PR for over 4 
> months now, blocked on the Elliptic Curve PAG [ECC-PAG]. AFAICT, this 
> PAG has just started its unspecified length Fishing Expedition seeking 
> some unspecified level of funds to pay for some type of analysis that 
> will take some unknown amount of time to complete ...
> Given this, and not wanting to block on the ECC PAG any longer, what are 
> the options to move widgets-digsig to REC ASAP?
> Some options:
> 1. Replace [XMLSig1.1] dependency with XMLSig 1.0. I presume this would 
> require a new 3-week LC but the CR could be zero-length, presumably no 
> re-testing would be required, and the only thing blocking PR->REC is the 
> length of the new CfE that would be needed.
> 2. Move the tainted algorithm(s) in XMLSig1.1 to XMLSig1.Next so 
> XMLSig1.1 is not affected by the PAG and XMLSig1.1 can then continue on 
> the REC track.
> 3. Others?

An other one was for the Director to decide to move the document forward
anyway because W-DigSig doesn't depend on ECC.

Thomas, any suggestion?


Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 21:17:00 UTC