Re: Special cases for PrefixRewrite in C14N 2.0

On 4/27/11 9:44 PM, "Pratik Datta" <> wrote:
>I think we should do for disjoint subtrees also.
>Let us say some one wants to sign all "CreditCard" elements in the
>document, then have an xpath like this  //c1:CreditCard
>So will each credit card element will be a different disjoint subtree.
>But should each one get a different prefix?  That will be confusing.

I'll defer to current implementers, I wasn't sure if it was worth imposing
a new requirement to remember all the prefix bindings defined in walking
the subtrees. That is a new requirement, right?

-- Scott

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 02:12:30 UTC