Re: RE: ACTION-581: proposal around IDness of attributes

> I have updated the schema based on the first option, where each 
> IDAttribute mentions the ID referencing mechanism for that ID 
> only. Have we resolved to go with this option?

I think it's waiting on the determination of whether to keep id() in the XPath subset.

> Here is the schema snippet.   This should close my 
> ACTION-662.  Also related to ACTION-647 and ACTION-661
> <element name="Verification" type="dsig2:VerificationType"/>
> <complexType name="VerificationType">
>         <sequence>
>             <any namespace="##any" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>             <!--
>                 The <disg2:Verification> element can have any of the following subelements in any order,  or have any user defined elements
>                <element ref="disg2:DigestDataLength">
>                <element ref="dsig2:PositionAssertion">
>                <element ref="disg2:IDAttributes">
>             -->

We need to add processContents="lax" to the wildcard.

Do we want ##any with no explicit content, or ##other, with an enumeration of the 2.0-defined elements?

-- Scott

Received on Sunday, 17 October 2010 16:24:37 UTC