Re: XML Signature 2.0 examples (as of Sep 10th, 2010) - a short review

I have reviewed the examples developed by Meiko. What he developed is a start.

What he developed is consistant with the structure in signature overview and examples in

In the Xpath based referencing example there is a single quote after QNameAware   resulting in    "<QNnameAware' />"   should the single quote be removed? It seems inconsistant with the specification.

We should put comments in it to state that the CanonicalizationMethod parameters are altered by Canonicalization parameters  of the transform section it seems redundent unless we put comments there this would be confusing to readers.

The order of the parameters match section 2.2 of, this will make it easier for readers.

The ID-based referencing example did not have the problem with Qnames noted above.

Gerald Edgar

Received on Monday, 1 November 2010 07:29:41 UTC