ISSUE-201: C14N 2.0 handling of DTD-related and Schema-related behaviors [Sig20 (XML Signature 2.0)]

ISSUE-201: C14N 2.0 handling of DTD-related and  Schema-related behaviors [Sig20 (XML Signature 2.0)]

Raised by: Scott Cantor
On product: Sig20 (XML Signature 2.0)

Fulfilling ACTION-573.

C14N 1.x includes implicit processing related to DTD subsets such as entity expansion, default attributes, and attribute normalization. Pratik has proposed options in C14N 2.0 for skipping some of those steps, and others (e.g., Ed) have expressed a desire for similar issues to be addressed for non-DTD grammars.

We need to review and understand how XML core defines some of these behaviors and then determine what, if any, options should be exposed to control or bypass them.

An additional email will be forthcoming elaborating on this material.

Received on Monday, 10 May 2010 16:36:34 UTC