Editorial Update Summary

I have completed the following editorial updates to the Editors Drafts  
since our meeting on Tuesday:

(1) XML Signature 1.1

1a) changed the URI for SHA-384 in XML Signature 1.1 to  http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#sha384 
, resolving ISSUE-191

1b) Changed  ECPublicKey  element  to ECKeyValue. resolving  ISSUE-194

(2) XML Encryption 1.1

2a) Changed  ECPublicKey  element  to ECKeyValue. resolving  ISSUE-194

I only changed the Editors draft.

(3) Generic Hybrid Ciphers

3a) Converted to ReSpec and changed source directory. Validated with  
W3 HTML validator, and with W3C link checker. Fixed previous  
publication date, added self as editor.

3b) Fixed text describing GenericHybridCipherMethod
In section 4.2.1 replaced "The GenericHybridCipherMethod element shall  
appear as a child element of xenc:EncryptedData or xenc:EncryptedKey  
when Generic-Hybrid is specified as the Algorithm value of an  
xenc:EncryptedData or xenc:EncryptedKey element."
  "The GenericHybridCipherMethod element shall appear as a child  
element of the xenc:EncryptionMethod element when generic-hybrid is  
specified as the value of the xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm  
attribute." see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-comments/2010Mar/0001.html
3c) fixed algorithm identifer in example in section 6 see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-comments/2010Mar/0000.html
3d)  Removed unneeded and badly formatted example title.

(4) RNG Schemas

4a) added new signature 1.0 driver with exclusive c14n, move  
exclusiveC14N.rnc to included  section

4b) Created snapshot directory completing pubrules checking, in  
preparation for publication.

Are there any more 1.1 editorial changes remaining?

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

Received on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 13:18:46 UTC