ISSUE-186: What is the normative content of section 5.4.2? (PBKDF2) [Enc11 (XML Encryption 1.1)]

ISSUE-186: What is the normative content of section 5.4.2? (PBKDF2) [Enc11 (XML Encryption 1.1)]

Raised by: Thomas Roessler
On product: Enc11 (XML Encryption 1.1)

Looking through recent edits to XML Encryption, section 5.4.2 seems to have moved in when I wasn't paying attention.  I'd like to understand what the normative content of this section is that *isn't* simply reproduced from another spec:

- the algorithm identifier is in RSA's URI space (and presumably coined there)
- the mark-up and namespaces are defined in an RSA specification
- we don't seem to do additional profiling as far as I can tell

Therefore, a pointer at that RSA spec as another example for an algorithm that can be used within the key derivation framework would be fine; however, I don't think we should actually have normative text.

My apologies for not having spotted this one earlier.

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2010 18:46:17 UTC