For review: LC-ready draft for Signature 1.1

Except for different boilerplate language (and a different style sheet), the current Editor's Draft of Signature 1.1:

... should be ready for publication as a last call WD.

Changes made during preparation:

 - per ACTION-506, updated the SOTD and editor's note around ECDSAwithSHA256
 - caught up with results from ACTION-492 [1], specifically:
   * changed standalone schema so order of choices in FieldIDType matches spec
   * added targetNameSpace comment to DEREncodedKeyValue
   * fixed CharTwoFieldParamsType definition according to Magnus' input
 - while looking at editor's notes, unified formatting for various notes (that aren't editor's notes) throughout the spec.   

The expected publication date is 4 February 2010.  If there are any mistakes in the editing, please say so by EOB this Friday.


Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2010 11:33:54 UTC