[ACTION-453] Review XML Enc v1.1

I have reviewed the XML Encryption 1.1 document and have the following
(mostly minor) comments.

1. Section 1.3 begins with 

No provision is made for an explicit version number in this syntax. If a
future version is needed, it will use a different namespace. The
experimental XML namespace [XML-NAMES] URI that must be used by
implementations of this (dated) specification is:



which I think is exactly the same text as in the original XML Encryption
recommendation. A problem in the original (and in the Second Edition) is
the use of "(dated)" in the final text when, I expect, this was to be
replace with the actual date.

More importantly, the original and Second Edition specifications say
that if there is a new version, there will be a new namespace. Does 1.1
count as a new version? Either way, the above text seems to need
cleaning up.

2. In section, change "can not" to "cannot".

3. In section 5.6, change "on-line" to "online".

4. Section 8 identifies Joseph Reagle as the contact for the XML
Encryption media type. This needs to be updated, perhaps to a generic

This email should conclude ACTION-453.


Ed Simon

Received on Monday, 18 January 2010 21:38:38 UTC