New Issue and proposal: which is definitive, XSD snippets, standalone XSD or RNG?

ISSUE-165 -- Add note that standalone XSD file takes precedence when  
there is XSD schema file, XSD snippets in document and RNG schema - to  
XML Signature 1.1, Signature Properties, XML Encryption 1.1 and  
Generic Hybrid Ciphers -- OPEN


Add new sentence to end of following sections:

Signature 1.1: Section 1.1 Editorial and Conformance Conventions
XML Encryption 1.1: 1.1 Editorial and Conformance Conventions
Signature Properties: 4.2 Compliance
Generic Hybrid Ciphers: 8 Conformance

The sentence is the same in each case:

"The standalone XSD schema file takes precedence in case there is any  
disagreement between it and the XSD schema portions in this  
specification text or the RNG schema."

Please review and comment on this proposal before Tuesday, preferably  

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

Received on Friday, 8 January 2010 13:10:10 UTC