RE: Clarifying XPath Filtering Transform text (pertains to Action-350, etc.)

Ed Simon wrote on 2009-09-18:
> No, I do not have the level of understanding I would need. Beginning to
> get that level will require some discussion during our next telecon.

I think I could write the text, but I need to know what part of c14n 1.1 is
throwing this off. I definitely agree about that misplaced comma and being
clear that arbitrary node sets != well-formed XML subtrees. Other than that,
I was led to believe that any time you get a node set, you do each node one
after the other and that's that. They just get concatenated, I think.

The other issue I think you had was that the examples didn't include any of
the nasty stuff. Probably true, but would take some work to fix, and since
we aren't expecting to produce a new version of c14n 1.x at this point, is
that in scope to do?
-- Scott

Received on Friday, 18 September 2009 19:32:49 UTC