Proposed additions to 2.0 SOTDs

With apologies for the lateness, here's what I'd suggest for the  
"specific sentences" in the "status of the document" sections of the  
2.0 versions of the spec:

XML Signature 2.0:
This version of the XML Signature specification introduces a new,  
simpler transform model. While this model is less generic than the one  
in the 1.x versions of this specification, we anticipate gains in  
terms of simplicity, lower attack surface, and streamability.  We  
appreciate early comments on this general approach.

Canonical XML 2.0:
This version of the XML Canonicalization specification defines a  
version of the canonicalization algorithm that is applied to a less  
general class of possible nodesets than previous versions.  The  
restrictions of this algorithm dovetail with the transform model  
defined in XML Signature 2.0. While less generic, we anticipate gains  
in terms of simplicity, lower attack surface, and streamability. We  
appreciate early comments on this general approach.

Since the W3C web site redesign is anticipated to come online  
tomorrow, publication will likely take till Thursday. Meanwhile,  
please let me know whether you want any changes to these SOTD snippets.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Monday, 12 October 2009 11:56:38 UTC