Errata for XML Signature 2nd Edition
- This document:
- Last revised:
- $Date: 2008/12/15 14:33:47 $
- This document records known errata in:
- The latest version of the XML Signature Recommendation:
About this document
This document lists known errata to the Recommendation.
Each entry has the following information:
- A unique identifier
- The date it was added to the errata page
- A classification of the error (e.g., editorial, clarification,
bug, known problem with the document itself)
- A short description of the problem and what part of the
Recommendation is affected.
- Any proposed corrections and whether those corrections would
affect conformance of documents or software
- Any normative corrections; see the section on Errata
Management in the W3C Process Document ([PROCESS]
section 7.6.1) for more information about normative corrections
E01: Error in example in section 2.1
- Added:
- 2008-12-15 roessler
- Accepted
- under consideration
- Raised:
- 28 August
- Class:
- editorial
- Affects conformance:
- No
The Simple Example should
include a leading <
character on the closing DigestValue
tag in
line [s10]
[s10] <DigestValue>dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSBzaWduYXR1cmUK...</DigestValue>
E02: Obsolete and incorrect material in section 9
- Added:
- 2009-06-08 hirsch
- Accepted
- under consideration
- Raised:
- 10 May 2009
- Class:
- editorial
- Affects conformance:
- No
Section 9.0, Schema, DTD, Data Model, and Valid Examples should
only contain the XML Signature Schema Instance and XML Signature DTD
The RDF Data Model is out of date, so that material should be removed
from the section. The examples should also be removed from the section
since they are misleading (e.g. including a "null transform"). The
recommendation contains suitable examples in other sections. The title
of the section should be changed to "Schema and DTD" in the
heading and table of contents.
$Id: xmldsigcore-errata.html,v 1.3 2008/12/15 14:33:47 roessler Exp $