Close Resolution on Issue-7 (EXI) ?

ID:  ISSUE-7 (edit) 	
State: OPEN 	
Title: Can exi be used by xmlsec wg as part of solution 	
Raised on: 2008-07-17 	
Product: (Design for XML Signature V Next) 	

I move to close this, since we are using EXI in the specification
In the note at Canonical output need not be valid XML

Assuming that a canonicalization step is necessary to be performed as
the last step of reference processing before hashing of the resulting
octet-stream, the requirement that XML canonicalization produce valid
XML could be relaxed. Some interesting things can be done with this
relaxation - namespace prefixes can be expanded out, tag names in
closing tags can be omitted, and EXI serialization format can be used.

Gerald Edgar, CISSP
Enterprise Architecture & Information Security

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2009 17:17:09 UTC