Re: Summary of problems with the definition of ECDSA public key in RFC 4050

(This is a long overdue review of Kelvin's analysis of issues with RFC 

Having looked at this in more detail, I agree with Kevin's analysis. The 
important areas as I see it are the incompatibility with X9.62 wrt 
ECPoints and the potential issues arising from the use of 

As for the current proposal, I have the following comments/questions:

- You don't want to include the "implicitCA" option for ECKeyValueType?
   This allows for re-using an algorithm specified by a CA policy. (For
   clarity and, perhaps future flexibility, I'd also suggest having a
   separate ECDomainParameterType type as in X9.62 and then the
   ECKeyValueType etc. would become:

   <complexType name="ECKeyValueType">
       <element ref="ds:ECDomainParameters"/>
       <element name="PublicKey" type="ds:ECPointType"/>

   <element name="ECDomainParameters" type="ds:ECDomainParametersType"/>
   <complexType name="ECDomainParametersType">
         <element ref="ds:ExplicitECParams"/>
         <element name="NamedCurve..."/>
         <element name="ImplicitCA"/>

   <element name="ExplicitECParams" type="ds:ExplicitECParamsType"/>
   <complexType name="ExplicitECParamsType">
     <sequence ... -> same as current ECParametersType>

- I'm missing a <Hash> element in the ds:ECParametersType type definition.
   In X9.62, this component is used to verifiably generate the curve. Do
   you feel we do not need it, Kelvin?

- Also in the ECParameterType type definition, note that the <Order>
   element may also be a large number and hence the use of the
   "integer" type may again be problematic.

- For the PrimeFieldParameterType, note that primes will also be large
   (larger than 18 decimal digits).

- The reference for conversion of an EC point to an Octet String would
   perhaps better be to Appendix A.5.7 ("Point to Octet String").

-- Magnus

Received on Monday, 19 January 2009 05:04:27 UTC