SOTDs for Note FPWDs

The Notes will all have the same boilerplate language, so I'll leave  
it to the "interesting" parts of the front matter...  (For the best  
practices, the difference will constitute in dropping the word  
"First", plus there won't be a transition request for that one.)

XML Signature Transform Simplification: Requirements and Design
W3C Working Draft 26 February 2009

This version:
Latest version:

This document outlines a proposed simplification of the XML Signature  
Transform mechanism, intended to enhance security, performance,  
streamability and to ease adoption.

Status of this Document


The design outlined in this document is part of the XML Security  
Working Group's development of a revised version 2 of XML Signature;  
this Working Draft is published to solicit early community review of  
the direction that the Working Group expects to take with version 2.   
Early feed-back is welcome.



XML Security Use Cases and Requirements
W3C Working Draft 26 February 2009

This version:
Latest version:

This Note summarizes scenarios, design decisions, and requirements for  
the XML Signature and Canonical XML specifications, to guide ongoing  
W3C work to revise these specifications.

Status of this Document


The use cases and requirements in this document are expected to help  
guide the XML Security Working Group's development of a version 2 of  
XML Signature.  This Working Draft is published to solicit early  
community review.



XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference

W3C Working Draft 26 February 2009

This version:
Latest version:

This Note summarizes XML Security algorithm URI identifiers and the  
specifications associated with them.

Status of this Document


This document is intended to serve as a cross-reference to various  
commonly used XML security specifications.  It does not include any  
normative requirements of its own.


Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Friday, 20 February 2009 00:30:53 UTC