Namespace prefix undeclaring not being added to Namespace 1.0

Frederick et al.,

The XML Core WG is planning to issue a 3rd Edition
of Namespaces in XML 1.0 (NS1.0), and we are closing 
some issues.

It came to our attention that there may be some interest
in the XML Security WG in the issue of namespace prefix
undeclaring which is allowed in Namespaces in XML 1.1 (NS1.1) 
but not in NS1.0.  The XML Core WG considered the possibility 
of adding the namespace prefix undeclaration capability to
NS1.0, but we came to the conclusion that that would be a
new feature that we could not add by erratum.

We have therefore decided that NS1.0 3rd Edition will 
continue to have no way to undeclare a prefix.

If this decisions cause you great concern, please let
us know.


Paul Grosso for the XML Core WG

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2009 18:24:47 UTC