ISSUE-52 (scantor): Rules for syntax of KeyInfo child elements should be unambiguous [Errata-XML Signature]

ISSUE-52 (scantor): Rules for syntax of KeyInfo child elements should be unambiguous [Errata-XML Signature]

Raised by: Scott Cantor
On product: Errata-XML Signature

In at least one case (X509Certificate), work in another SDO that references the XML Signature specification is being questioned on the basis of whether or not the syntax of the element is clearly defined or not. For example, it says base64, but doesn't come out and actually say "of what". Is anything other than the DER encoding legal? Etc.

I suggest that all the "by-value" elements for keys and certificates be examined for clarity. Reading the KeyValue text now, I find it unclear regarding the use of base64 as well.

Received on Monday, 15 September 2008 15:38:11 UTC