Algorithms draft posted

FYI I have posted a working draft that incorporates new algorithms (ECDSA and SHA2) into XMLDSIG. The URLs are not publicly visible yet and Thomas and Frederick are helping with setting ACLs. Signature Syntax and Processing 1.1 draft.htm 1.1.xsd

Here is a summary of the changes:

1.  Added a new ECKeyValue element to represent ECC public keys. The new element is in the ds namespace, but there is a recommendation to support a small profile of the ECDSAKeyValue element with named curves in RFC 4050.

2.  Restructured the ExplicitParams element in 4050 to align with the ASN.1 equivalent definition in ANSI X9.62 and RFC 3279.

3.  Added SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 to list of digest, signature and MAC algorithms.

4.  RSA-SHA256 and ECDSA-SHA256 are now REQUIRED

5.  Added a bunch of new references but not done yet.


Received on Monday, 17 November 2008 23:56:11 UTC