Proposed text regarding first class object principle

At the F2F we agreed to incorporate the Principles into the  
requirements document, with some edits [1]. The latest draft reflects  
these changes [2].

One comment that I did not incorporate was to add additional text  
describing first class objects.

The current text has the following:

XML Signatures are First Class Objects:XML Signatures should  
themselves be self-describing first class XML objects [XMLDSIG-REQS]

I suggest we add the following to give more detail on first class  

"This means that XML Signatures can be referenced via URI and used in  
other operations. For example, an XML Signature may be signed or  
encrypted, or referred to in a statement  (such as an RDF statement)."

This is related to ACTION-84.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch



Received on Monday, 10 November 2008 21:01:06 UTC