Working Group Accomplishments and Thank You

As Working Group Chair I would like to thank the XML Security  
Specifications Maintenance Working Group members for their active  
participation in the Working Group and also congratulate the Working  
Group members on their accomplishments.

I would also like to thank Thomas Roessler, the W3C team contract,   
for his significant contributions to the Working Group.

This Working Group has accomplished the following:
Performed interop testing on Canonical XML 1.1 and XML Signature,  
Second Edition, publishing a W3C Working Group Note,Test Cases for  
C14N 1.1 and XMLDSig Interoperability . This work supported  
publication of Canonical XML 1.1 as a W3C Recommendation as well as  
publication of XML Signature, Second Edition.
Published XML Signature, Second Edition as a W3C Recommendation,  
incorporating the following changes from the first edition.
Held a Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption  
(Agenda) on 25-26 September 2007 and produced a Workshop Report that  
categorizes and summarizes issues related to XML Signature. The  
Working Group used this to develop a recommended draft charter for a  
follow on Working Group that has been chartered.
Drafted a Best Practices draft for XML Signature, Second Edition,  
which may be further developed by the subsequent XML Security WG as a  
Working Group Note.
Reviewed Relax NG usage for XML Signature, Second Edition, which may  
be further developed by the subsequent XML Security WG as a Working  
Group Note.
Initiated an update to the RFC associated with XML Signature.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG

Received on Monday, 16 June 2008 16:05:03 UTC