Re: Test case document formatting request


Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2008-01-07 11:00:16 -0500, Frederick Hirsch wrote:
>> This is essentially illegible to read, requires horizontal scrolling in 
>> browser and will not print properly.
> I agree.
>> (1) is there a tool or technique to process the XInclude so that the content 
>> included is pretty-printed upon inclusion so it flows properly?
>> (2) would it make sense to add spaces to the examples?
> I don't think we'd really want to have pretty-printing of the XML,
> as that would create a result that is materially different from the
> *real* canonical XML.  There seem to be some style sheet tricks
> which are probably not portable.
> The best idea I can come up with (though I don't like it) is to do
> some perl or sed based postprocessing on the xhtml output.  I'll
> commit something later tonight.

I am not sure why, but the signatures in the DName sections are getting 
truncated by your scripts. For example, diffRFCs-1 is post-processed as:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\
+ <Signature xmlns="">\
+ <SignedInfo>\
+ <CanonicalizationMethod\
+  Algorithm=""/>\
+ <SignatureMethod\
+  Algorithm=""/>\
+ <Reference URI="#object">\
+ <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>\
+ <DigestValue>nxGVxTzX3uQVeaZ7vtWMLc+V6CE=</DigestValue>\
+ </Reference></SignedInfo><SignatureValue>\

but it leaves out the KeyInfo and Object elements after SignatureValue.


Received on Thursday, 10 January 2008 19:24:49 UTC