Re: chartering - external related work

On 2008-02-25 12:27:48 -0500, Frederick Hirsch wrote:

> A more concise wording of the OASIS related TC work is the following:

> The Working Group should coordinate with OASIS Technical Committees (TCs) 
> that are direct users of XML Security and possible sources of use cases and 
> requirements for this work. These TCs may also review relevant deliverables 
> of this WG.  Such TCs in the security area include the Digital Signature 
> Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC, the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language 
> (XACML) TC, the Security Services Technical Committee (SSTC), the Web 
> Services Federation (WSFED) TC and the Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) 
> TC. Other TCs making direct use of XML Signature
> include the Election and Voter Services TC, the LegalXML Electronic Court 
> Filing TC, the Universal Business Language (UBL) TC, and the Web Services 
> Transaction (WS-TX) TC. 

I've taken a variant of that into the current charter draft:

The text now suggests that the Group *should* seek review from the
security TCs, and just mentions the other ones.

> TCs that make indirect use of XML Signature include the ebXML TC
> and the Provisioning Services TC, both of which use Web Services
> Security (WSS) that utilizes XML Security.

I'd rather not go down the route of indirect dependencies -- I fear
that list could grow pretty rapidly if we track them all down... 

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Monday, 25 February 2008 18:04:28 UTC