- From: Konrad Lanz <Konrad.Lanz@iaik.tugraz.at>
- Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 04:05:23 +0200
- To: public-xmlsec-maintwg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <4654F2E3.7090009@iaik.tugraz.at>
Dear all, having taken a closer look at section 4.4.4 <http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/Drafts/xmldsig-core/#sec-X509Data> and at E01 <http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xmldsig-errata#E01> as well as Gregors Mail <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-ietf-xmldsig/2002JanMar/0112.html> I think 4.4.4 actually need more attention than we thought ... ------------------------------------------------- 4.4.4 The |X509Data| Element Identifier |Type="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#X509Data <http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#SPKIData>| " (this can be used within a |RetrievalMethod| or |Reference| element to identify the referent's type) An |X509Data| element within |KeyInfo| contains one or more identifiers of keys or X509 certificates (or certificates' identifiers or a revocation list). The content of |X509Data| is: 1. At least one element, from the following set of element types; any of these may appear together or more than once iff (if and only if) each instance describes or is related to the same certificate: 2. * The |X509IssuerSerial| element, which contains an X.509 issuer distinguished name/serial number pair. The X.509 issuer distinguished name SHOULD be compliant with the DNAME encoding rules at the end of this section and the serial number is represented as a decimal integer, * The |X509SubjectName| element, which contains an X.509 subject distinguished name that SHOULD be compliant with the DNAME encoding rules at the end of this section, * The |X509SKI| element, which contains the base64 encoded plain (i.e. non-DER-encoded) value of a X509 V.3 SubjectKeyIdentifier extension. * The |X509Certificate| element, which contains a base64-encoded [X509v3 <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#ref-X509v3>] certificate, and * Elements from an external namespace which accompanies/complements any of the elements above. * The |X509CRL| element, which contains a base64-encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) [X509v3 <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#ref-X509v3>]. ------------------------------------------------- Please consider now the following DName as a challenging test case CN: Rick + Fred, III O: ÄËÏÖÜ \ Rick & Fred <devices>; OU: #ING C: AT now let's make it RFC2253 compliant CN=Rick \+ Fred\, III, O=ÄËÏÖÜ \\ Rick & Fred \<devices\>\;, OU=\#ING, C=AT and now lets put it into the X509IssuerName <X509IssuerName>CN=Rick \+ Fred\, III, O=ÄËÏÖÜ \\ Rick & Fred \<devices\>\;, OU=\#ING, C=AT</X509IssuerName> and a document contining this X509IssuerName is not well formed any more ... --> Which is really bad So we can either put it into a CDATA section or escape the "<" by "\<" and "&" by "&" showing that there is actually a need to change the so called "DNAME encoding rules at the end of this section". We'll also have to require applications to do the inverse operation ... "\<" --> "\<" and "&" --> & ------------------------------------------------- Strings in DNames (appearing in X509IssuerName, |X509SubjectName|, and |KeyName| if approriate) should be encoded as follows: * Consider the string as consisting of Unicode characters. * Escape occurrences of the following special characters by prefixing it with the "\" character: o a "#" character occurring at the beginning of the string o one of the characters ",", "+", """, "\", ">", ";" or "<". The latter "<" also MUST be effectively escaped to "\<" "&" to keep well-formedness. * "&" MUST be scaped to "&" to keep well-formedness. * Escape all occurrences of ASCII control characters (Unicode range \x00 - \x1f) by replacing them with "\" followed by a two digit hex number showing its Unicode number. * Escape any trailing white space by replacing "\ " with "\20". * Since a XML document logically consists of characters, not octets, the resulting Unicode string is finally encoded according to the character encoding used for producing the physical representation of the XML document. As soon as one of these DNames is used (i.e. passed to another software component) the application MUST convert "\<" to "\<" and "&" to "&" . ------------------------------------------------- For future work we should also note there is a successor to RFC 2253. It is RFC 4515 and this one should be referred to in future versions. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2253 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4514 regards Konrad P.S: I think, most implementations based on DOM should actually behave in this manner already. -- Konrad Lanz, IAIK/SIC - Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria Tel: +43 316 873 5547 Fax: +43 316 873 5520 https://www.iaik.tugraz.at/aboutus/people/lanz http://jce.iaik.tugraz.at Certificate chain (including the EuroPKI root certificate): https://europki.iaik.at/ca/europki-at/cert_download.htm
Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 02:05:49 UTC