Re: ds:Reference Type Attribute [E05 XMLDsig Errata]

Juan Carlos Cruellas wrote:
> "The optional Type attribute denotes the actually digested item, not 
> it's contents" seems OK to me.
> In addition to that, should not we change the next sentence?:
> "For example, a reference that identifies an |Object| element 
> containing a |SignatureProperties| element is still of type |#Object|"
> by
> "For example, a reference that does not contain any transform and that 
> identifies an |Object| element containing a |SignatureProperties| 
> element is still of type |#Object|"
> As if there is some transform in the ds:Reference element then what is 
> digested and signed might not be a ds:Object anymore...

I think what you want to say is
"For example, a reference that does not contain any transform or post 
transform results to an |Object| element containing a 
|SignatureProperties| element is still of type |#Object|"

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2007 15:30:07 UTC