Welcome to the W3C XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG (and public mailing list)

Welcome to the XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group!

If you have not already done so, please review the group charter [1],  
public working group page [2], and administrative page [3]. The  
working group page includes a reading list that might be useful to  
review in advance of our meetings.

We have scheduled our first call for Tuesday 17 April, 10-11am ET,  
the agenda and bridge information to follow. We also have our first  
F2F scheduled for 2-3 May (Wed-Thur) in Cambridge, MA, details are  
available on the administrative logistics page [4]. Please do not  
forget to register in advance for the F2F [5], and please respond to  
the registration page even if you do not plan to attend.

We have two mailing lists, the public mailing list ( public-xmlsec- 
maintwg@w3.org ) and a members-only list  ( member-xmlsec- 
maintwg@w3.org ) for administrative, logistics and W3C member  
confidential messages. All technical discussion  should occur on the  
public list, as noted in the charter.

Please introduce yourself on this mailing list, indicating who you  
are, why you are interested in participating in the XML Security  
Specifications Maintenance WG, which parts of the charter are of  
particular interest, your expectations, and where you might be able  
to contribute. If you are working on implementations or related  
standards that would be interesting. I will send my own introduction  

Thank you, and welcome to the working group.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

[1] <http://www.w3.org/2005/Security/xmlsig-charter>

[2] <http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/>

[3] <http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/Group/Overview.html> (W3C members  

[4] <http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/Group/07-05-02-xmlsec-f2f- 
logistics.html> (W3C members only)

[5] <http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/myQuestionnaires>

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2007 00:43:52 UTC